Therma Shape – Beauty Engineering

ThermaShape Cellulite Reduction Treatment in vancouver Thermashape ultrasound anti-cellulite treatment in vancouver
ThermaShape is an exclusive device based on the synergy of radio-frequency, ultrasound and photodynamics. It emits a pleasant form of heat via three different handpieces, stimulating the skin deep down and dissolving and eliminating accumulated fat.The use of radiofrequency in synergy with ultraasound and photodynamic  energy, a prerogative of Maya Beauty technology, combines lipolysis (to dissolve fats) with a firming effect to guarantee smoother, firmer, bulge-free skin.

The treatment is simple, painless, non-invasive and does not hamper your  normal daily activities. It has been clinically tested and it does not cause  any kind of burn or abrasion. The effects are immediate and can be seen from the first session

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